Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Beginnings. That is what every one of my teachers today talked about. "I'm here to help you get a good start during the beginning of high school." "Today is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life." They talked a lot about beginnings. And syllabuses. They talked quite a bit about those, too. Teachers like syllabuses.

But that's what my day was. Not a syllabus, I mean, a beginning. Today was my first ever day of high school. ('Omigod she's so little!' Thanks guys. Thanks a lot.) Now, before today, I was excited. I was pretty darn pumped about going to high school, and being so much more independent, and hanging with all the crazy big upperclassmen. But then I got to high school, and walked through my first day. I had no clue where I was going, or what my locker combo was, or what in the world to do, since I'd missed that freshmen orientation day or whatever. I was plain lost. Except then with my amazing skills I managed to work everything out, avoid getting murdered by seniors, and have a successful day.

So bottom line, my opinion of high school is that it's gonna be a whole lot of work. And my schedule's going to be pretty crazy as is, without the homework. I have to get out of 8th grade sleepwalking mode and get down to it, or else I am going to die. I'll cross my fingers and you wish me luck, kay?

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