Today, before I walked outside, I looked at the fancy thermometer gadget we have in our kitchen and it told me that it was only 55 degrees! I was shocked beyond belief that after the summer so incredible that we have experienced that we would ever feel the cold again. However, I decided to listen to the thermometer and to obey they dress code, and I grabbed a little jacket before heading out. It proved to be useful while waiting for the bus stop, because it turned out to actually be 55 degrees.
Running was pleasant that afternoon as well, because the sun was shining but it was a surprisingly comfortable temperature. That did not stop me at all from sweating bucket-fulls during our awful workout where I got lost, though. Unfortunate, but better than last week's ninety degree suffocating heat.
However, it wasn't until band practice that night that I experienced that feeling of cold so unfamiliar after all these summer months. I had had no time to change after practice, and showed up at the school with my flute in my running shorts and tshirt. I had no jeans on, nor did I have time to grab a sweatshirt. Let me tell you, it was cold. I was freezing my butt off and I probably would have caught a cold had it not been for the amazing kindness of my fellow flute friend who lent me a jacket. The worst was the car ride home, where I was jacket-less and sitting in the back of a jeep with no doors. I literally almost died then.
The feeling of cold, overall, made me quite happy. Fall is the best time of the year in my expert (not really) opinion, and the sooner the leaves start changing, the better.
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