Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's big. It's blue. And it's a box. Duh.

I hope someday a person will happen across this blog and actually know what big blue box I'm talking about. Because it's a pretty amazing box. 

But for those of you staring at the background picture and going "What the hell is a British police box doing out in the middle of space?" I'll give you a hint. It involves some time travel, a couple of aliens, and a man named the Doctor. If I have any fellow nerds out there who haven't guessed it yet, I suggest you go to your google and type in the words Doctor Who. Because I will not call you a true nerd until you have watched some British TV. 

However, if you have read some Harry Potter, loved it, and happen to have a wand stored secretly in your bedroom somewhere then maybe I will allow you to join my totally amazing club. 

I am coming across as a total loser. Even though total losers have way much more fun than any of you sitting there laughing at me! But in an effort to make myself seem slightly cooler, I'm gonna brag a little bit. When I grow up I want to be a screenplay writer and write movies (ok, so I know that makes my reputation even worse, but c'mon guys be supportive). I also love sailing and I have a boat (you're liking me a bit more now, huh?). And lastly I went to Canada this summer! I just threw that last little tidbit in there as a conversation starter. So what do you think guys? Let's be friends!

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